Osuna Rose Day Table

Date: April 20, 2024

Update: Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest in Osuna Rose Day! The event has been filled, as it is limited to 10, including organizers. This our roster:

First shift: Connie Wenk, Melody Dudley, Elizabeth Summers

Second shift: Karen and Kurt Snyder, Beth Baker

Third shift: Dorothy Brethauer, Bill Farmer

Consulting Rosarians and knowledgeable rose growers are needed to staff the AQBRS table at Osuna Nursery on Saturday, April 20, 2024. This event lasts from 9AM until 3PM. We hope to have at least one volunteer in every 2-hour slot. Melissa and Claire will set up the table and banner and provide membership forms. Customers will be asking for advice on selecting, planting, and caring for their roses.

Sign up below...

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